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They all use solar energy

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Q: What do solar collectors solar calculators and green plant cells have in common?
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Is flagellum green cells?

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Is there a green penguin collectors club?

No, there is not one, but you can change the color of your penguin. <(")

What research has been done on ovarian cancer?

Researchers at the University of Alabama engineered a common cold virus to infect ovarian cancer cells with a green fluorescent protein that reveals the cancer cells.

Why do plant cells look green?

No all plant cells look green - only those cells that contain the pigment chlorophyll look green. The chlorophyll enables the plants to photosynthesize to make their food. The cells that are green are therefore those which may be exposed to sunlight.

Where in the onion plants are the green cells located?

The green cells in an onion plant are located in the leaves. These cells contain chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis and gives the leaves their green color.

Why is the grass green not purple?

Grass is a plant. Plants are made of plant cells. Plant cells have chlorophyll in them. Chlorophyll is the GREEN pigment in plant cells, so it makes the grass green.

I'm found only in the plant cells I'm as green as can be?

Chloroplast is only in plant cells and is green. This is a riddle.

What is a green disc found in palisade cells?

The green disc found in palisade cells are called Chloroplasts.

Are all plant cells green?

No, not all plant cells are green. Only cells containing chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis, appear green. Other plant cells, such as root cells or stem cells, may not contain chlorophyll and therefore not be green.

The cells in the green alga Volvox are?

The cells in the green alga Volvox are specialized, with each cell performing a specific function such as reproduction, movement, or photosynthesis. These cells work together in a coordinated manner to enable the colony to survive and reproduce.

What is found in animal cells but not green plant cells?


How is the color of a plant and animal cell different?

Plant cells have a green color due to the presence of chloroplasts containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis, while animal cells do not have chloroplasts and therefore do not show any color related to photosynthesis. Additionally, some animal cells may have pigment organelles that give them specific colors, but this is not as common as in plant cells.