I think it means before assured of, or something along those lines.
Cups uses port 631 by default
Usually they come preconfigured for non-secured networks and you need just to plug it in.
Just the ability to boot from a CD drive (which almost all systems can do now). Other than that, nothing needs to be preconfigured.
Small Business Server has many benefits including a preconfigured intranet which allows the ability to share contacts, calendars, etc. On the downside, it has built in limitations such as the number of users and the use of only one domain.
A BIOS or EFI firmware onboard a computer is one of the most critical parts of the booting process. It's responsible for checking for new hardware if there are any, if all connected hardware are working, and lets the computer boot from a operating system that is loaded to a drive that is already preconfigured or manually overridden by the user.
Rapport can be installed in few simple steps. The Rapport icon shows up on the side of the address bar of the browser. It comes preconfigured to protect certain websites. When Rapport is protecting the communication with the website, the icon is in green color. For sites that are not protected by Rapport, the icon shows up in grey color.
You can buy laptop computers from various vendors online. You can obtain laptops that have been preconfigured from sites such as newegg.com or tigerdirect.com. You can also purchase laptops from sites such as dell.com or hp.com that will allow you to customize the laptop to fit your needs.
FlukeHerehttp://www.computerlink.co.ukThey can help with either Fujitsu-Siemen's value4you or build4u sales channels.value4you = one of their preconfigured machines and save a little moneybuild4you = you get to set the specificationTry following for $64FPCBP155FPCBP155APhttp://www.softarcade.net/FUJITSU-Replacement-for-FUJITSU-FPCBP155-FPCBP155AP-Laptop-Battery_p_45067.html
MAC address filtering uses the MAC address to identify which devices are allowed to connect to the wireless network. When a wireless client attempts to connect, or associate, with an AP it will send MAC address information. If MAC filtering is enabled, the wireless router or AP will look up its MAC address a preconfigured list. Only devices whose MAC addresses have been prerecorded in the router's database will be allowed to connect.
Yes, most PCs include a hard drive. Any that you buy preconfigured would. Ones that you build yourself, you would have to make sure to order that component. And really old PCs, many of them did not. They booted from disk, or had tape drives sometimes.
you mean what you mean