Its just a different way to measure angles, like radians and degrees.
180 degrees= pi radians= 200 grads(180° = π radians = 200g)
btw, grads is not an abbriviation. They are just called grads(g)
GrADS was created in 1988.
If You Mean Years, Then its 7,8,9&10 And Sometimes 11&12 if You Mean Grading, Then Its ABCDE 12345
Input is when you type with the calculator
I believe there is. Grads feel a sense of accomplishment, fulfilment, status, and reputation. This in itself can raise ones self esteem.
Less than 10%
Of course they did. People of New Jersey have no idea what a jewel of a university they have in Rutgers. It provides one of the best educations in the country in any field of study. The words "Rutgers Grad" mean a lot to businesses looking for young grads who can think on their feet, know how to tackle a project, and have the confidence and skills to succeed in all endeavors.
yes you mean calculator. yes a calculator is there in the computer.