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It makes the computer circuits much simpler. It is fairly simple to have circuit elements that can have two different states, and to do operations (like addition or multiplication) on those states.

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The binary system was developed because the earliest computers used vast banks of switches - which could only be in one of two positions - either on or off. This gave rise to the use of the binary system. Even modern computers use exactly the same on-off system - but they are performed inside powerful microchips.

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it was a fat slag that got b ored and eat some curry then she thought about numbers and computers, it was my nan

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Q: What influenced the use of binary number system as the basis of computer language?
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How the computer can understand binary language?

The computer understands binary because the 1 means on and the 0 means off, so that controls how it operates. Binary language is then converted to our number system where the numbers represent things. ASCII code is used to convert binary to text.

Why is the system called binary?

binary number system used in computers because computer can understand only binary language as it starts from 0and 1. which makes computer easier.

What number system does a computer use that is on?

Computers are not smart They only know 0 and 1 or binary states or true or false. this language is known as machine language

What is the number system that the computer uses?


What are number systems use in computer?

Binary Number System

Where is the binary number system used?

binary number system used in computers because computer can understand only binary language as it starts from 0and 1. which makes computer easier.

What are the different number system used in digital technology?

Computers run on a binary code that consists of ones and zeroes, no other digits. Computer languages are all based on what is called machine language, which is written in binary, but other computer programming languages can be written in other ways, as long as they eventually translate into machine language.

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First computer to use binary number system?

The first computer to use the binary number system was probably the Z1, started by Konrad Zuse in 1936. It was a mechanical computer, not fully programmable, but is still considered a computer.

What number system did the first electronic computer use?


Why be need octal and hexadecimal in the computer?

The reason is computer language at that time was the binary number system which means computer language or computer understandable language .so now the new technology mission is to make the computer brain from the computer language to human understandable language .especially all analogy circuit shuold be change to the digital circuit or digital electronics from the analogy electronic. binary numbers are so difficult to understand by human but machine understand them. human can understand the both hexadecimal and octal numbers than binary. the brain of computer is not like the brain of human so by that way, unless the computer brain shuold look like human brain i means to think and do all things after the decission about all kind of problem. it can be possible whenever the computer understand the higher language without converting to machine language. computer can be work accurately if that problem can be solve. the computer specialists work hard to change the words or language of the machine to the human understandable language. the octal decimal and hexadecimal numbers are understand by human, and store more data or more million of byte than binary numbers .the computer now can be advance unless the machine language change to the higher language not involving of the converter devices. by tut lam ANSWER SIMPLY PUT A BINARY OF DIGITAL 16 IS 1111THAT IS WHAT COMPUTER WORKS WITH AND UNDERSTAND. A BIGGER NUMBER1000101110001 BECOMES UNFRIENDLY TO US OCTAL WILL BE 16501 IN HEX IT BECAME 1711 BASICALLY OCTAL ARE 3 GROUP HEX 4 GROUP OF NUMBERS

What influence the used of binary number system as the basis of computer language?

it was a fat slag that got b ored and eat some curry then she thought about numbers and computers, it was my nan