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The state of directly connected links

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Q: What information is contained in LSPs sent by link-state protocols that is not included in distance vector routing protocol updates?
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What information is contained in LSPs sent by link-state protocols over distance vector protocols?

I think the answer is the state of each directly connecyed link.

What is Distance Vector protocols?

Distance vector protocols are routing protocols that use the distance and direction to a destination network to make routing decisions. Examples include RIP (Routing Information Protocol) and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol). These protocols share routing information with neighboring routers and update their routing tables based on the information received.

What is one fundamental difference between distance vector routing protocols and link state routing protocols?

Distance vector protocols exchange their routing tables, and add a metric to each route. Link-state routing protols exchange topology information, then calculate the routes. As a result, there are the following fundamental differences:The information that is exchanged - routing table vs. topology information.Link-state protocols know the topology of the network (or an area); distance vector routing protocols don't.When the best route is calculated: in distance-vector routing protocols, a metric is added while the route is propagated from router to router. In link-state protocols, the best route is calculated separately by each router, only after having complete topology information.

What three routing protocols are distance vector routing protocols?

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) are two very popular Distance Vector routing protocols

Why do link-state protocols converge faster than most distance vector protocols?

Distance vector protocols compute their routing tables before sending routing updates; link-state protocols do not.

Distance Vector protocols use what algorithm?

Distance Vector protocols use the Bellmanâ??Ford algorithm. The ARPANET system relied on Distance Vector protocols as their main routing technique in the early 80s.

21 what types of routing protocols allows routers to exchange information about best paths with their neighboring routers only?

distance vector routing

Which technology can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops?

Which two technologies can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops?

Which two technologies can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops?

Which two technologies can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops?

Which additional piece of information is included in the updates of classless routing protocols to support the use of VLSM and discontiguous networks?

metric, network mask, neighbor router ID, administrative distance

What is advance distance-vector algorithm?

Distance-vector algorithms refer to routing protocols - protocols used by routers to inform each other about available routes. In distance-vector algorithms, such as RIP or EIGRP, the routers inform each other about their routing tables, and each router adds a metric (or distance) to the route - however, the routers don't know about the topology of the network (unlike the link-state protocols, such as OSPF).

What protects us from getting shocked?

# Adequate safety protocols # Training and periodic retraining in the protocols # Insulation # Distance # Turning the power off before servicing