Six liters of milk is equal to 12.7 pints or 10.6 UK pints.
70 Litres is equal to 123.18278 Pints (UK)
4.02 L 1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liter
1.5 litres = 2.639 UK pints or 3.170 US pints
1,000 UK liters = 1,760 UK pints or 2,113 US pints.
It would equal 21.117047837 UK pints, 21.793991478 US dry pints and 25.360517026 US liquid pints.25.36 pints2112 liters is about 25.36 US pints.There are 25.360517 pints in 12 liters.
There are more than one type of pints. Liquid volume in the US uses a pint equal to 1/2 quart (0.473 liters) Liquid volume in the UK uses the imperial pint (0.548 liters) 4 liters = 7.04 Imperial pints (UK) = 8.45 US pints
There are approximately 15.9 liters in 28 UK pints.
A liter is about the same as a US quart, and 1 liter = 2.113 US pints. So 35 US pints would equal 16.56 liters. * In UK / Imperial pints, 35 pints = 19.9 liters
Two pints in the UK are about 1.136 liters.
No, not UK pints.No, not UK pints.No, not UK pints.No, not UK pints.
1 US pint = 0.47 liters, so there are 10.36 US pints in 4.9 liters1 UK pint = 0.568 liters, so there are 8.62 UK (Imperial) pints in 4.9 liters