16% of 32 oz is 5.12 oz
.32 fl oz
0.40 x 32 oz = 12.8 oz
4.8 oz.
2 tablespoons = 1 oz. At 2 tbs (1 oz) per gallon, you will need 32 gallons for 32 oz of concentrate,
1 oz is 100 percent. 1/100 = 0.01 oz is 1 percent. Then 2 times this value makes 2 percent. Solution: 0.02 oz.
2 percent of 4 oz = 0.08 ounces2% * 4 oz= 0.02 * 4 oz= 0.08 oz
16 oz in one pound----------2x16=3232 ounces in 2 pounds
32 oz.
32 oz.
3.2 fluid ounces.
32 ounces is 2 pounds