One cubic foot is equal to 123 = 1728 cubic inches. Therefore, 6 cubic feet is equal to 6 x 1728 = 10368 cubic inches.
6" x 18" x 6" = 648 cubic inches = 0.375 cubic foot
0.6 cubic inches = 9.83 cubic centimetres, approx.
2 cubic feet
5 inches times 6 inches times 9 inches are 270 cubic inches. 270 cubic inches are 4.42450728 cubic decimeters. 1 cubic decimeter is 1 liter. 4.42450728 cubic decimeters are 4.42450728 liters.
6 liters = 366.142465 cubic inches
Six gallons equates to 1,386 cubic inches.
It is 6 inches.
The height of a cylinder with a volume of 250 cubic inches and a radius of 6 inches is: 2.21 inches.
6 inches = 1/6 yards. So 70 sq yards * 6 inches = 70*1/6 cubic yards = 11.66... cubic yards.
Volume = pi*2.752*6 = 142.5497667 cubic inches
366 Cubic Inches