As an abbreviation for a unit of measurement, "MM" stands for "Millimeter", one-thousandth of a meter. In the Metric system, the Meter is the standard length. It is comparable to a little more than a yard, about 39 inches. One-tenth of a meter is a centimeter, and one-thousandth, as noted, is a millimeter. One thousand meters is a kilometer, about 6/10ths of a mile.
It might mean "9 cm 8 mm"
MM = 2000
Do you mean square mm?
MM stands for Music Monday.
If you mean as in Roman numerals then MM is equivalent to 2000
3/4ths of a mm, or 7.5 nanometers
mm means millimeters in measurements
That means Nominal Diameter is 300 mm
mm means millimeter which is small unit of measuring length
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