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Q: What is a component of a network's logical topology that determines how connections are created between nodes?
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Is a component of a networks logical topology that determines how connections are created between nodes?


What topology is a passive topology?

Ring topology is the passive topology in computer networks

What do you mean by the term topology?

topology means connections of two or more computer on a network.

What is the difference between technology and topology?

Topology is the actual layout of the network, for instance, where the routers and other devices are located. That would be the networks topology.

Do Ethernet networks normally use star topology?

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What do star connected networks require?

A star topology requires a central connecting device, such as a hub, switch, or router. For WANs, you would need a central building that contains connections to the other buildings in the WAN.

Which network topology is considered a passive topology because its nodes do nothing to help the data move through the networks?


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Which two networks are the slowest?

star topology and flukes network pack

What is an irregular topology?

An irregular topology can be defined as a network that is not usual. However, networks take different a shapes and routes and the irregular topology might in some cases be the best option.

Which of the network topologies has connections to all the machines in the network?

star topology

What is Ring topology and Star topology?

A network topology in which network nodes are connected in a circular configuration. Each nodes Examines the data sent through the ring and passes on data not addresses to it.this iz ring topology A network layout or design in which each node is connected to a central hub. The hub establishes, maintains and terminates all connections between the nodes. In a LAN, the hub is likely to be a workstation, whereas in larger multi-point networks the hub is more likely to a multiplexer.this is star topology jyoti bhubanesw3ar