There are exactly 1 cubic centimeter in 1 milliliter.
A cubic centimeter is equivalent to 1 milliliter.
There are approximately 0.0610237 cubic inches in 1 milliliter.
One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==
ANSWER you must mean cubic millimeters? 22 cubic millimeters = 0.022 milliliter
There are 1,000 cubic millimeters in one cubic centimeter.
Milliliter is the same as cubic centimeter. The answer is yes, if the spelling of milliliter is corrected.
The volumes of 1 milliliter and 1 cubic centimeter are equivalent. That is: 1 mL = 1 cubic cm
A cc (cubic centimeter) and a mL (milliliter) are the same measurement.
1 milliliter - 1 cubic centimeter
A cubic centimeter measures the same as a milliliter.
A cubic centimeter is equal in volume to a milliliter.