end note
You can end a thank you note also by the words thank you or thanks.
It is a kind expression at the end of the note.
An end-note is a note or paragraph that is at the end of a book or the end of a book section. It is usually an author's comment or a reference section.
It could be the Footnote/End Note or the Bibliography. Likley the first one (Footnote) though.
Yes, death note ended a while ago.
abbggabgbagagbagabgabagabagabagbagabaaabagabgababgagbagagabagabga the end
Ryuk kills Light by writing his name in the Death Note.
The explanatory note that is located at the end of a book or document is called the endnote. It comments or sites references that are used within the document.
Near from death note because he actually won the battle in the end
conrad end's with Kurtz's moral crusade.