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A graph in Microsoft Excel is pretty much anything ranging from a simple dot on a graph to a pie chart to a bubble chart to pretty much any of the charts in the drop-down menu.

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A picture that represents the data

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Q: What is a graph in Excel?
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a graph

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How do you modify the x axis in an Excel graph?

I tried creating a graph in Excel, but the x-axis always sets to the row number automatically. How do I change it?

How do you plot graphs using Excel?

To plot a graph in Excel, first input your data into a spreadsheet. Then, select the data you want to include in the graph, go to the "Insert" tab, and choose the type of graph you want to create. Excel will generate the graph based on the selected data.

How do you make a graph without Excel?

You can only make it by hand if you don't want to use excel

How do you cteate a graph on Microsoft?

Get a copy of MS Excel

How do you find an exact data point on an Excel graph?

Excel 2007 does not have this capability. Excel 2003 can do this as described in the related link. The idea is to draw your graph, then overlay a non-related point on the graph. When you drag the non-related point to the location on the graph where you want to identify a data point, you will see the underlying cell reference change to the location of your selected data point.

How do you make a circle graph on Excel?

A circle graph is usually called a Pie or Donut graph. You highlight the data you want to graph and click on the type of graph you want to insert. You will find graphs on the Instert Tab in the Graphs section.You can use Excel to make the following types of Charts and Graphs:ColumnLinePieBarAreaX Y (Scatter)StockSurfaceDoughnutBubbleRadar

How do you change graph types on Microsoft Excel 2007?

Right-click on the graph and select Change Chart Type.

How do you print a graph paper in Excel or word?

In Excel, you can set the column width to 2 and display borders around the cells of the number of cells you would like to display on your graph paper, then print.

How do you do a pie graph?

you go on to Microsoft excel and fallow the steps given