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Automatic recalculation is the feature that means any time you change anything on the spreadsheet, like a number in a cell, the formulas will all be recalculated. That way the correct results for the formulas are always there when you change things. If you have a formula that adds two numbers that are in two cells, when you change what is in one or both of those cells the formula will recalculate so that it gives the result of adding whatever two numbers are now there. This makes using a spreadsheet a lot easier, as you don't have to manually redo all the formulas, like you would if you were doing it on paper.

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15y ago
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12y ago

When data is changed in a spreadsheet, all formulas are normally automatically recalculated so that all figures are kept up to date. There is a setting for manual recalculation where the user can determine when the recalculation of the spreadsheet happens. They can do this by pressing the F9 key when manual recalculation is on.

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14y ago

Allows Excel to automatically calculate formulas in real time. When a referenced cell changes, the formula automatically updates.

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Calculate means Excel will evaluate formulas and functions to display the result. You can turn calculate to manual or auto. When it is on auto, everything is updated in real time. Manual will update when you open Excel or requires to you click the calculate button every time you want to see results.

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You don't. "Auto" means automatic - Excel does it for you.

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The related link provides an excel template and some notes on how to calculate the sharpe ratio..pretty simple and effective.

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