We use a sytem that uses a base or 10, that is the numbers, 0 to 9, then we add a 1 to make 10 and start again 11,12,13 etc. The binary system uses a base of 2, like a switch on or off. so we get ;
Binary Decimal
0 0
1 1 now we have run out of numbers so we add another 1 to the left;
10 2
11 3 which is made up of a 2 and a 3; next we add another 1 to the left
and so on.
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7 which is made up of a 4, a 2 and a 1
Thats it just keep going, every time we add a new 1 to hte left, its worth twice the value of the 1 to its right, its just like us using units, tens, hundreds thousands.
They use the binary code (1010101011001100)
the binary system is base 2 and the hexadecimal system is base 16
The binary digits. 10 = 2
The Binary numbering system is based on powers of 2
The binary numbering system.
Binary System
1 In binary numbering means on 0 In binary numbering means off
10101110 = 174 = AE = ® binary = decimal = HEX = ASCII
Nearly all computer math is based on variants of binary numbering. Printouts of computer memory data will combine the binary numbers into four bit groups called hexadecimal digits.