Kg is weight Liter is volume. It takes one liter of water to get one kilo of weight. Other substances will be different.
1 kilogram
Different substances have different densities. If you're talking about water, then 1 liter masses 1 kilogram, so 16 liters.
Eighteen liters of water, or an eighteen kilogram dumbbell.
.76 kg per liter = 1.32 liters
Approximately 1.8 liters of LPG equal 1 kilogram of LPG.
"Liters" count a region in space. "Kilograms" count mass of a substance. The number of liters that 1.00 kilogram fills depends on the substance. If the substance is air, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills many liters. If the substance is water, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills roughly 1.0 liter. If the substance is lead or stone, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills only a small part of a liter.
There are 120 liters in 120 kg of lime. The conversion of liters to kilogram is one is to one.
The prefix "kilo" (symbol k) in the International System of Units (SI) and other systems, which denotes 103, it means one thousand. Therefore, there are 1,000 grams (g) in a kilogram (kg) and 0.001 kilogram equal a gram. Kilograms and grams are units of mass not volume such as liters, gallons, quarts, pints, and cups, and can only be conveted to each other if you have the specific item being measured, as each item has a different density.
A litre is 1 kilogram of water.
Kilograms and liters are units of measurement for different properties - mass and volume, respectively. The conversion between the two depends on the density of the substance in question. For water, which has a density of 1 kg/L, 5 kilograms would be equivalent to 5 liters.
A litre is 1 Kilogram of water.
The weight of 3.4 liters depends on the substance being measured, as different substances have different densities. For water, which has a density of 1 kg/L, 3.4 liters would weigh approximately 3.4 kg or 7.5 pounds.