Volume in cubic feet = Length in feet * Width in feet * Height in feet.
A 14x14x20 inch box has a volume of about 2.3 (2.268519) cubic feet.
The volume of the toy box in cubic yards is (1/3). To convert this to cubic feet, we multiply by 27 (the conversion factor from cubic yards to cubic feet), giving us a volume of (9) cubic feet.
Cubic feet x 28.3168 = liters
To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, you can use the formula: cubic feet x 0.02832 = cubic meters. To convert cubic meters to cubic feet, you can use the formula: cubic meters x 35.3147 = cubic feet.
Formula: Cubic feet x 7.48052 = gallons.
1 liter = 0.0353146667 cubic feet
Use this formula: liters x 0.0353 = cubic feet
Cubic inches in a box = volume of box (in cubic inches) = Length * Breadth * Height, where each of these three is given in inches.
The units are not dimensionally equivalent. The first (1.25 sq ft) is area, which is 2 dimensional. The second (8 cubic feet) is volume, which is 3 dimensional. Now you could have a box, which has a 1.25 square foot base, and is 6.4 feet tall, and that box would have a volume of 8 cubic feet.
-- take the number of cubic feet -- multiply it by 0.028317 -- the result is the number of cubic meters (rounded)
You can't convert two different units into each other. Feet is a measure of length. cubic feet is a measure of volume. However, if you have the dimensions of an object, it's length width and height in feet, then you can use a formula to take the three measurements and get the volume in cubic feet. However, which formula you use depends upon the shape of the object.