a. Mathematics A number or symbol, often written as a subscript or superscript to a mathematical expression, that indicates an operation to be performed, an ordering relation, or a use of the associated expression.
b. A number derived from a formula, used to characterize a set of data.
See the related lonk for verification.
Oh, dude, index form in math is just a fancy way of saying exponential form. So, if you see "536" in index form, it means 5 to the power of 36. It's like math's way of saying, "Hey, let's make this number look cooler and more confusing!"
The power or index. Strangely, it even works with numbers which are not math numbers!
if you want to do on your own look in you math book reciprocals in the index you will find fast but , depends on what kind of math book you have .
You do indicies by multiplying the big number by itself the number of times the index is. for example, if you had 2 2 (2 being the index) it would be 2x2, 4. But if it is 2 3 (3 being the index) it would be 2x2x2, 8.
Calculating dose of medicine, finding body mass index, statistics.
BMI = Mass÷Height2 For more information, search Wikipedia.org for Body Mass Index
Index form is where a number is expressed as the exponents of its prime factors. At the moment, you have it as its prime factors. We have two 3s, so that can be given as 32 and we have four 4s, so that can be given as 44. Thus 3x3x4x4x4x4 in index form is 32x44
This might answer your question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070929201221AAN2qPA
what is the index of 3x3x3x3
uses of index
The possessive form of "index" is "index's." For example, "the index's values are displayed in alphabetical order."