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Nothing is and nothing can be.

A millilitre is a measure of volume in 3-d space!

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Related questions

How many milliliter in a milliliter?

One. 1 ml is in 1 ml Did you mean something else?

Something that weighs 1 milligram?

One milliliter of pure water.

How many milliliters are in 1 milliliter?

"ml" is the abbreviation for ''milliliter"one ml = 1 milliliter

One milliliter is equal to?

One fifth of a standard teaspoonful (in the UK).

What metric unit of capacity is equal to one thousandth of a liter is a?

a milliliter

What is an example of something that is 1 milliliter?

a syrup of medicine.

What is bigger milliliter or a microliter?

A milliliter is bigger than a microliter. There are 1000 microliters in one milliliter.

How many milliliters are one cubic centimeter?

One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==

What is the medical abbreviation meaning milliliter?

cc (One milliliter equals one cubic centimeter.)

How many cubic meters is one milliliter?

seriously? a meter and a liter are not the same amount of measurement, so it would be 0 or something.

What is the mass of one milliliter?

A milliliter is a unit that is used to measure liquid volume. The mass of one milliliter of a substance would vary greatly depending on the substance.

One milliliter equals 1?

A Milliliter is also known as 1 cc - one cubic centimetre.