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It is ((2^h) -1)/(2-1) generally for an m-tree is: ((m^h)-1)/(m-1)

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Q: What is the Maximum number of node at height h of a binary tree?
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What are the properties of binary tree?

A binary tree of n elements has n-1 edgesA binary tree of height h has at least h and at most 2h - 1 elementsThe height of a binary tree with n elements is at most n and at least ?log2 (n+1)?

What is the height of a complete binary tree of height h have?

Minimum is h nodes (Maximum is 2h+1 - 1 nodes, if tree consisting of only one node is considered to have height of 0. if you consider a tree with one node to be a height of one, then the minimum nodes is (2^(h-1)) 1 nodes. Minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of height is 2h+1. For example, if the height of the binary tree is 3, minimum number of nodes is 2*3+1=7.

Find the level of a node in binary tree?

level of a node in any binary tree can be calculated by summing up the number of nodes traversed from the root node of the tree to the node whose level has to be calculated!!!! dats it!! if count is the no. of elements passed, then floor(log2(count-1)) is the level

What is the difference between extended binary tree and a binary search tree?

A strictly binary tree is one where every node other than the leaves has exactly 2 child nodes. Such trees are also known as 2-trees or full binary trees. An extended binary tree is a tree that has been transformed into a full binary tree. This transformation is achieved by inserting special "external" nodes such that every "internal" node has exactly two children.

Difference between height of a tree and depth of a tree and level of a tree?

The height of a tree is the longest path from the root to a leaf, counting the number of edges. The depth of a tree is the longest path from the root to a leaf, counting the number of nodes. The level of a tree refers to the depth of a node with respect to the root, where the root is considered to be at level 0.

What is a binary tree?

A binary tree is a data structure consisting of binary nodes. A binary node is a data structure with two branches, each of which may hold a reference to another binary node. These branches are known as the left and right branches respectively. Since the nodes maintain references to every other node in the tree, it is only necessary to keep track of the root node.

What is the largest possible number of internal nodes in a red-black tree with black height k?

largest possible number is (2^2k) - 1 nodes when every other node down to the path is red and it is complete binary tree with height 2k. smallest is (2^k) - 1 nodes

What is recursive algorithm to find the height of a binary search tree with n numbers of nodes?

Really the best way to traverse any binary tree is recursion. In this case we are going to be some node defined as having 3 values, a pointer to a left node, a pointer to a right node, and a value. then in psudocode we can do it as: int height(node n, int depth){ int leftDepth; int rightDepth; if(n.left != NULL) leftDepth = height(n.left, depth+1) else leftDepth = depth; if(n.right != NULL) rightDepth = height(n.right, depth+1) else rightDepth = depth; if(leftDepth > rightDepth) return leftDepth; return rightDepth; } Essentially what you are doing is calling the algorithm on both the left and right nodes which in turn will call it on their left and right nodes, down to where all the nodes are null. Then what is returned is the greater depth of the two; because it will traverse before returning a depth, and only traverses if there is a deeper node, it will return the depth of the deepest node, or the height of the binary tree.

What is strictly binary tree?

If every non-terminal node (any node except root node whose degree is not zero) in a binary tree consists of non-empty left and right subtree, then such a tree is called strictly binary tree.

What is an almost complete binary tree?

An almost complete binary tree is a tree in which each node that has a right child also has a left child. Having a left child does not require a node to have a right child. Stated alternately, an almost complete binary tree is a tree where for a right child, there is always a left child, but for a left child there may not be a right child.The number of nodes in a binary tree can be found using this formula: n = 2^h Where n is the amount of nodes in the tree, and h is the height of the tree.

explain the process of converting tree to binary tree with example?

A binary tree is a type of tree data structure in which each node has at most two children. To convert a tree to a binary tree, we can follow these steps: Choose a root node for the binary tree. This will be the node at the top of the tree, and all other nodes will be connected to it. For each child node of the root node, add it as a left or right child of the root node, depending on its position relative to the root node. For each child node of the root node, repeat step 2 for its child nodes, adding them as left or right children of the appropriate parent node.

In binary tree what is the name given to node that share the same parent node?
