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The advantages is to fasten your math problem but it can affect human nature by being lazy and a result

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Q: What is the adavantages and disadvantages of calculators?
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Disadvantages of calculators?

The disadvantages of calculators is that they are no longer practical or convenient. Unless scientific in nature, most people use the calculators on their smart phones and wireless devices. While stand alone calculators are still in use, their popularity has immensely decreased across the nation.

What are the disadvantages and adavantages living in the city?

Advantages are more shops, more attractions and it's bigger. Disadvantages are it's really busy, there's more street crime and there isn't any country side.

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What was the British adavantages?

they were that they blew bubbles faster, and quicker

6 disadvantages of calculators?

Six disadvantages of calculators are: -They discourage mental math. -They can store formula's in their memory, allowing students to cheat on tests. -They can distract students, with games. -They are expensive, and unaffordable for some students. -They are difficult to learn to use, with fancy buttons and menus. -They are big, and hunky and aren't easily carried around.

What are the adavantages of non participant observation?

It removes the possibility of bias in the observer.

Are all calculators in India solar calculators?

no there are no solar calculators in india

What are 3 adavantages of solar energy?

Environmentally Safe Economically Solid Politically Strategic

Where can I find an interest only calculator?

You can find one on the following sites that I found for you at these sites ,

What does fitness calculators means?

Fitness calculators

Where can I find investment calculators?

The best investment calculators, and general finance calculators, are all found online at This is the best website for calculators, in my personal opinion.