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pie graph

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Q: What is the best type of chart for comparing two sets of qualitative data?
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Which type of chart is best for comparing data across categories in excel?

Usually a column chart, but it depends on what exactly you want to do and the nature of the data.

A bar chart is good for showing what type of data?


What is chart sheet?

When you create a chart it can be embedded into the sheet where the data appears. You also have the option of setting the chart to be on a sheet tab of its own. This is a Chart Sheet.

What chart or graph would best represent data collected using representative sample?

The fact that the data are from a representative sample is irrelevant. What matters is the nature of the data that you have and the message that you want to convey to your viewers. If the data are qualitative then a bar or pie chart are probably the most appropriate. If they are quantitative, then any type of chart may be appropriate. It depends on the variables. If there are several observations on each member of the sample, then a stacked bar chart may be the right thing.

When should you use a bar chart?

use a bar chart when comparing data. for example, you would use a bar chart to compare climates of different cities.

What does qualitative data consist of?

Qualitative data is information that can not be measured, such as the colour of your eyes. Qualitative data descriobes

What chart categorizes information?

A bar chart is a common type of chart that categorizes information by displaying data using horizontal or vertical bars of varying lengths. It is useful for comparing different categories of data and showing trends over time.

Why are statistical procedures such as t-tests and analysis if variances not appropriate for use in qualitative studies?

Because a t-test is designed to measure the difference between means on variables that can be measured (interval data). For example, comparing the difference of height between males and females in centimetres. Qualitative studies are not interval data, but qualitative information is coded and analysed by frequencies - you are not comparing two normally distributed variables that can be measured on a continuous spectrum of measurement.

What kind of data is best displayed as a pie chart?

Percentage data

How can you use qualitative data in a sentence?

Qualitative data is information that is not in numerical form.

What kind of data do you get from a survey asking open ended questions?

qualitative data

What different qualitative data and quantitative data?

Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?