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use Archimedis' law- take a known volume of water in a vessel filled upto the brim and immerse the object that you want to measure the volume inside the vessel without giving any pressure and measure the volume of the water overflowed. that will give you the volume of the object(an approximate value)

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Q: What is the best way to measure the volume irregularly shaped solid is to use?
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Can you use a balance to measure the volume irregularly shaped solid?

yes you can use a balance to measure the volume of an irregular shaped solid.

How is the volume of an irregularly shaped solid measured?

The volume of an irregularly shaped solid can be measured by placing the solid in a known quantity of water in a container with measurement markings. Take the new volume and find the difference between this and the old volume. This is the volume of your irregularly shaped solid.

What to scientists use to measure the mass of an irregularly shaped solid?

Scientists often use a device called a balance or scale to measure the mass of an irregularly shaped solid. This involves first weighing the solid in air, then submerging it in a liquid of known density to measure the displaced volume, and finally calculating the mass using Archimedes' principle.

How can the water displacement method be used to measure the density of an irregularly shaped solid?

To measure the density of an irregularly shaped solid using water displacement, you can submerge the solid in a known volume of water and measure the volume of water displaced. Then, divide the mass of the solid by the volume of water displaced to find the density. Since the solid may not displace water as neatly as a regular shape, it's important to take accurate measurements and ensure the solid is fully submerged.

How can you measure the volume of an irregularly shape solid?

Yes you can.You can measure the solid by putting it into a gradruated cylinder.The height of the water shows you how much volume the solid has. fun is at

The can that use to measure the volume of solid?

A graduated cylinder can be used to measure the volume of a solid by first measuring the initial volume of water in the cylinder and then adding the solid to find the new volume. The difference in volume before and after adding the solid gives the volume of the solid.

Finding the volume of a solid when would water displacement be helpful?

When you are trying to find the volume of an irregularly shaped object.

What principle is involved in the determination of the volume of an irregularly shaped water insoluble solid?

This is the Archimedes principle.

What is the principle involved in the determination of the volume of an irregularly shaped solid and explain?

When an object is immersed in water the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of that object as discovered by Archimedes.

How the volume of an irregullar solid can be determined?

By water displacement. Pour a certain volume of water into a graduated cylinder, and record that volume. Now, place the irregularly shaped object into the cylinder, and record the level to which the water now rises. Take the difference between those two volumes, and you now have the volume of your irregularly shaped object.

What is a method for finding the volume of irregularly shaped solids?

Use a measuring cylinder with water in it. Note down the volume of water in the cylinder, then add the solid. Note down the new volume and subtract the first value from the second to get the volume of the solid.

How do you measure a irregular shaped solid like a cube?

A cube is hardly an irregularly shaped object. Measuring it is the defining term of area and volume. A cube is defined as having twelve sides, all lengths uniform, all angles right angles. If the length of any side is 'a' then area = 6*a*a volume = a*a*a