It depends on what you are going to draw. The coolest HARD thing to draw is a unicorn or a dragon. The coolest EASY thing to draw is animals or stick people. ( to learn how to draw stick people try stickpage.
grasshoppers are the coolest thing on this planet next to dinosaurs
Man landing on the moon was the coolest thing in the 60s.
austin chenoweth is the coolest ever
me, of course! hahaha, lol! but still, i think the coolest thing there is is a cell phone
the coolest thing to eat is JUNK FOOD!!! and bethelhem mekonnen!!!!and platypuses :).............WRONG This is a jokeMe!
Etale, the coolest penguin ever.
The coolest thing about a phone is that you can communicate wherever, whenever you are... and you can also get hottest games, quotes, etc.
The coolest thing is that it protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun. These are fatal radiations of the sun.