a incomplete chart is a chart that is missing patient information and a delinquent chart is a chart that has been signed off on by a physician but is not complete and is missing documents and patient information.
what's the difference between flow chart and structure diagrams and pseudo code
A donut chart is the same as a pie chart, except the graphic has a hole in the middle.
A flow chart is a type of model, but not every model is a flow-chart.
Some charts are graphs.
I don't believe radar charts are used in mathematics.
They are almost same except directions, column chart are vertical type and bar chart are are horizontal.
Pie chart is in a circle using percentages.. line chart is as it says, a line that either goes up or down according to the values.
An algorithm is a method of solving a problem. A flow chart is a tool for visualizing algorithms.
A chart is graphical, like a pie chart or a bar chart or a column chart. A table is an organised set of figures laid out in a table. You might use figures in the table to make a chart.
A pie chart is round, and a bar graph is square with the bars running either horizontal or verticle.