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Think of a sector(section) as your neighborhood and a cluster as a house thats part of that neighborhood.

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15y ago

A sector is a division across the cylinders, rows, and heads. Whereas a cluster is the single smallest individual division the harddrive can acheive using it's current filesystem.

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Q: What is the difference between sectors and clusters?
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Bits. Groups of bits are organized into sectors or blocks, which are further grouped into clusters, which are further grouped into tracks.

What is a disk cluster?

A disk cluster is a location on a disk's surface that stores data. Most disks are divided into platters/cylinders, tracks, and sectors, and sectors are grouped into clusters when formatted with a file system.

Why does operating system use cluster instead of sector?

Clusters and sectors relate to storage areas on a disk - not the operating system.

What are sectors divided into?

A sector is the lowest allocation unit in hard disk drives. It can make up into clusters which can be as small as 2 sectors or as much as 4 sectors. Of course this is by no means a conclusive definition of a cluster as disk sizes grow exponentially and newer filesystems are developed to accomodate.

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Difference between public management and private management?

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