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There is no difference, seeing as a computer was originally a form of calculator and there is a calculator tool on most computers.

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Q: What is the difference in using a calculator and a computer when trying to calculate something?
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The major difference between a calculator and a computer is?

This is so silly. A calculator is something that gives you answers to a math question (ex. 2+2=4), and a computer has the internet, a software to type, and games. Everything a calculator doesn't have.

What type of calculation is a computational?

All calculation is computational. To calculate means to computer and that is what a computer does. A calculator computes and a computer computes. Therefore, a calculator and a computer does the same thing. The only difference between a calculator and a computer is that the former involve only number computations and the computer involves computing information and the storage of that particular online information.

Difference between Programmable calculator and a computer?


How do you spell calculator?

That is the correct spelling of "calculator" (math computer).

Is a computer faster than a calculator when performing calculations?

Yes, a calculator is a very simple computer. Since Personal Computers use faster processors, they can calculate faster.

Did the computer come before the calculator?

If you mean the pocket calculator, it is actually a computer.If you mean something like the abacus, of course the computer came after it.

What is 32 to the difference of 400 and 123?

8.4439177559686645954870429037094e+416 (Computer Calculator)Ma ERROR "Memory Error" (Handheld Scientific Calculator)E "Error" (Basic Calculator)

How do you calculate sin20?

You need to use a calculator or computer. The answer will depend on whether the angle is measured in degrees or radians.

What is a list of the similarities between computer and calculator?

both can calculate integers in seconds both can perform easy to use

What was the name of the computer that charles Babbage invented?

The 'Difference Engine' - it was a mechanical calculator.

If these people are on the computer why do they ask stupid math questions that can be answered with a calculator?

LOL, so that I can solve them without the calculator and have something to do when I'm bored.

Can i get a calculator?

If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.