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Q: What is the equation for graphing a star on a calculator?
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What is the function of graphing calculators?

A graphing calculator is a calculator with the capability of graphing an equation on a built-in coordinate grid on the screen. They usually have a simple LCD grid screen, and by typing in the equation (e.g., 5x+3), the screen refreshes to display a graph of the equation in a set window range.

Can a Texas instrument graphing calculator also be used as a scientific calculator?

A Texas Instruments graphing calculator can be used as a basic calculator, a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator.

When was Graphing calculator created?

Graphing calculator was created in 1985.

How do you use a graphing calculator to solve quadratic equations?

Graph the equation then find the x intercepts.

How do you figure out the equation of a table with a graphic calculator?

It depends on which calculator! If the data is linear, you can estimate the slope of the line and the y-intercept from graphing the data. By graphing the data, you will be able to tell if it forms a straight line or not.

What is the difference between a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator?

A graphing calculator is a scientific calculator with a graphing display window. Otherwise, there are no limits to the type of calculations that can be made on either of them.

How do you graph an equation in standard form?

On my graphing calculator, a TI84 Plus, I can enter the equation into the Y= (a button) and then graph it by hitting the Graph button.

Will the graphing calculator do the same as a scientific calculator?

Usually a graphing calculator should have all the capabilities you expect from a scientific calculator (and more, since it does the graphing). For more details, check the manual of your calculator if you already have one.

Where can one find free online Graphing Calculator?

Someone can find a free online graphing calculator at Meta-Calculator. On Meta-Calculator one can find graphing, scientific, matrix, statistics, and programmer's calculators.

How do you put games on a graphing calculator?

Here is a great site that will tell you everything you know about graphing calculator programming, and its got programs there to! See the related link, "Graphing Calculator Programming".

How do you find the equation that matches a scattered plot?

use a graphing calculator. chances are, it's not linear; it's probably got some high-degree function with non-whole number coefficients. i think you can download a free graphing calculator online.

Which brand of graphing calculator gives the most features while still being reasonably priced?

Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator is a reasonably priced, good graphing calculator.