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Divide the number that you want to be found as the percentage of by the other number. Normally it is the smaller number being divided by the larger number. So say you wanted to find out what percent of 23 is 16. Say the 23 is in B1 and the 16 in B2. In another cell you could put a formula:


You are dividing the 16 by 23. You will get a decimal value which will be .695652

Then format the value as percentage. With no decimal places you will get 70%. Format it to have additional decimal places if you need to.

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A percent of the Number?

In English is: A - ( A * B )
with the Number being in cell 1A = 8 (or any other number)

And the percntage in Cell 1B = xx (as any Number representing % = 10, 34, 100 etc)

the formula in Cell A3 is

= A1 - (A2 * A2 / 100)

The result is in Cell A3
You can also use this formula if you use a fixed percentage)

= A1 - (A2 * .5)

.5 stands for 50%

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Q: What is the formula for Excel to take a number minus a percent and get the answer?
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What is the arithmetic operator that makes a number negative in Excel?

The minus sign.

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Why is there 2 minus signs at the start of a Trim Excel formula?

All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.All functions in Excel start with the = sign. So you may be mistaking that for two minus signs. A minus sign will have no impact on an TRIM function as it is a text function.

What is the formula for changing negative numbers to positive in Excel?

You could use the ABS function which takes a number and ignores its sign, so it can turn negative numbers into positive ones. So for example, the following will result in 5: =ABS(-5) You can also put a minus before a minus number to make it positive: --5

How do you find percent of decrease?

1 minus the smaller number divided by the larger number.

What number minus 15 percent is 75?

A number minus 15% is 75 So 85% of the number is 75 then the original number is 75/0.85 = 88.23529 (to 5 dp).

How do work out 4 percent of a number?

you work out 5% and minus 1%

What if you don't enter equals before formula in Excel?

Then it will not be treated as a formula. It will appear literally as you type it. Because cell references and functions begin with letters Excel needs the equals sign to tell it that what is following is a formula and not just a piece of text. You can actually also start a formula with a plus sign or minus sign, but an equals sign will automatically be added.

What is 240000 minus 20 percent?

240,000 minus 20 percent?239,999.8 = 240,000 minus 20 percent.

Does a formula have equals SIGN in it?

In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.In an Excel spreadsheet and equals sign normally starts a formula. You can also start with a plus or minus or start a function with the @ symbol, because some spreadsheet applications use that, but they will be converted to an equals sign. The equals signs tells Excel that you are going to use a formula, so if you started a function without it, the function would be treated like a piece of text.

What number minus 10 percent equals 10000?

10,000.1 minus 10% = 10,00010,000 is 10% less than 11,111.1 (rounded)