Multiply that number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage. 70% of 340 = 340 x 0.7 = 238
238 X 01=238 However, it seems as if you mean 238 X 0.1 (with the decimal point) In which case 238 X 0.1 = 23.8
238 euro is equivalent to 337.38 US dollars.
238 ÷ 45 = 5.29 to two decimal places, or 5 times with a remainder of 13.
In the number 238, the digit 3 holds the place value of 10. This is because it is in the tens place, which means it represents 3 groups of 10. Therefore, the value of the digit 3 in the number 238 is 30.
In the number 238, the value of the digit 8 is 8. In a multi-digit number like 238, each digit holds a place value based on its position. The place value of 8 in the hundreds place is 800, but the value of the digit itself is simply 8.
3.141 592 653 589 793 238
900 liters is equal to about 238 US gallons.
There is no Remington 238 caliber, If you mean .223, about $250, depending on condition.
The 3 is in the ten's place.