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Using Ideal Gas Law: PV=mRT where P is pressure kPa, V is volume in m3, R is air gas constant in KJ/(kg*K), T is temperature in Kelvin. For 20 deg Celsius (= 293K) m=(PV)/(RT)=(101.325[kPa]*1[m3])/(0.287[kPa*m3/kg*K]*293[K]) m=1.205kg For 20 deg Fahrenheit (= 266.33K) m=(PV)/(RT)=(101.325[kPa]*1[m3])/(0.287[kPa*m3/kg*K]*266.33[K]) m=1.326kg

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Q: What is the mass of a cubic meter of air at 20 degrees?
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How much heat is contained in 1 cubic meter of air?

That depends on the mass, pressure, and temperature of the air in the cubic meter.

What is the mass of a cubic meter of air at ntp?

1300 gram

When does a cubic meter of air have less mass?

When it is at a lower pressure or a higher temperature.

How much does 1 cubic meter weight?

Depends. A cubic meter of WHAT? If it's a cubic meter of lead, it would weigh quite a bit. A cubic meter of air, not so much. The standard substance that is used to relate metric measurements to each other is water. The "gram" was defined as the mass (not weight, but similar) of one cubic centimeter of water at normal temperature. There are 1 million cubic centimeters in a cubic meter, so a cubic meter of water would have a mass of 1 million grams, or 1,000 kilograms, or 1 metric ton. To obtain the mass of 1 cubic meter of some other substances, simply multiply the specific gravity of the substance by the mass of a cubic meter of water.

Why is the term a cubic meter of air unsatisfactory?

Because it doesn't say neither the temperature, the pressure or the humidity of the air. You need to know both the temperature, the pressure and the humidity of the air to say anything about the mass of one cubic meter of air.

What is the density of air at 25 degrees?

The density of air at 25 degrees Celsius is approximately 1.184 kilograms per cubic meter at sea level pressure.

What is the waight of a cubic meter?

Depends on what the cubic meter is made of. A cubic meter of air will be something entirely different from a cubic of water.

A cubic meter of air has less mass at the top or bottm of the mountain?

At the top, because the pressure there is lower.

How much normal meter cube of air is 1000 meter cube of air?

1000 cubic meters of air is equivalent to 1000 normal cubic meters of air. The term "normal cubic meters" (Nm^3) is typically used to represent gas volumes adjusted to standard conditions of temperature and pressure (usually 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere pressure). In this case, since both the given volume and the normal volume are in the same units (cubic meters), they are equal.

What is the lowest possible temperature for a cubic meter of air that holds 50 g of water vapor at 10 degrees Celsius?

The lowest possible temperature for a cubic meter of air holding 50 g of water vapor at 10 degrees Celsius is the dew point temperature, at which the air becomes saturated. The dew point temperature is around 7.7 degrees Celsius for these conditions.

Describe density of air in terms of its mass?

Density of air is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of air. It is typically expressed in units such as kilograms per cubic meter or grams per cubic centimeter. Air density can vary based on factors such as temperature, pressure, and humidity.

Does a cubic meter of air have less mass higher up?

Yes. The density of the air (and thus mass per unit volume) deceases all the way to zero (in space) as the altitude increases.