365 days in a year
24 hours in a day
24 x 365 = 8760 hours in a year
8784 hours in a leap year
2,080 work hours per year in the US.
The maximum number of "straight time" work hours in a calendar year.
A restriction of the number of hours 16-year-olds can work. (APEX Class ;)
2080 2080
Well, it depends on how many hours you work per week and how many weeks in the year you work. To figure it out: Multiply the hourly rate * number of hours/week * number of weeks you work/year.
There is no limit on the number of hours a 16 year old can work in Alabama or any other state. If under 16 a child can work no more than 3 hours a day in Alabama.
2080. (40 hours a week x 52 weeks in a year)
That depends a lot how many hours you work a year. Basically, you need to multiply your hourly earnings by the number of hours you work a year. For example, if you work 8 hours a day, 5 hours a week, and 52 weeks a year (so, basically, full time and no vacations), you can multiply all together to get the number of hours. If you work only 2 or 3 hours a day, or take a long vacation, you must adjust accordingly.
In Texas, a 17-year-old can work a maximum of 30 hours per week during school.
That would deppend on the number of hours and days you work. Once you know that just multiply the salary (33) times the numbers of hours a day you work times the number of days a year you work.