raw data
The data will be in its original form, but any changes in the data will be reflected in the Excel document, as will changing the Excel document affect the Access table. It is the same data when it is linked, not copied.
To convert secretly coded data (encrypted data) back into its original form. Source: Answers.com
Data in its original form refers to raw information that has not been processed or analyzed. This could include numbers, text, images, or any other type of information collected from various sources. This data needs to be cleaned and structured before it can be useful for analysis.
Virtualization means creating a version of the data that isn't actual or physical. You can create a backup of data you want to save. It is a copy, and it should be the same as the original, although it is in virtual form.
Source data automation devices are devices that help collect data in its original digital form. Instead of translating or transcribing data, this allows for the direct collection of information.
Data encryption refers to the process of transforming electronic information into a scrambled form that can only be read by someone who knows how to translate the code. and DEcrytion is the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood
We use a Pivot Table for a different view of the data in a tabular as well as pictorial form without any changes in the original data.
An encoder encodes input data by transforming it into its encoded form which, if the encoding is reversible, may be decoded and returned to its original form by a decoder.
full form of data