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Q: What is the speed of one of the fastest CPUs within the family?
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Does a Dual core 3.4ghz CPU have a speed of 3.4ghz or 6.8ghz?

Dual core means two CPUs so what you really have is to CPUs each run at the speed of 3.4 Ghz and not one CPU that runs at 6.8GHz... Programming your Life...

Give the price of high speed processor?

It's impossible to answer this question. There are hundreds of high speed processors. Be more accurate. There are CPUs that cost more than $1000 and there are also CPUs that cost $300. If you need it for a server or heavy rendering - $1000, if gaming $300.

Can you run an AMD Athlon MP 900 with an AMD Athlon 1900 on your dual processor motherboard?

No. If you want to run dual processors, they need to both be the same speed, and either "MP" (multiprocessor) versions, or hacked 'normal' CPUs (there is a way of making normal CPUs report they are MP CPUs)

What processors does Windows use and What does MAC uses as well?

In Macs after 2006 there are Intel CPUs, the same as PCs Running Microsoft windows. But pre-2006 Macs used the PowerPC family of CPUs, the G5 G4 and G3. A long time before that apple used Motorola CPUs that are now obsolete.

What are the features of supercomputer?

>10 times the speed of fastest conventional computer available at the time>10 times the memory capacity of conventional computers available at the timeonly floating point arithmetictraditionally used ECL for fastest speed, but this dissipated lots of heatin the late 1970s and later multiprocessorsin the late 1990s massively parallel supercomputers using many thousands of COTS microprocessors superseded earlier supercomputers using custom designed and built CPUs using individual logic gates

Do TV's have CPUs?

Yes most technology have cpus.

Why are laptop CPUs slower than desktop CPUs?

CPUs are designed especially for Laptops. They will shut off portions of themselves when not in use.

What is the fastest CPU in the Pentium family?

Right now, there are many new processors. Many of them are the 2nd generation. Here are the list of 2nd generation processors from slowest to fastest Intel Centrino Intel Atom Intel Xeon Intel Pentium Intel Core Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i5 Business edition Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7 ExTreme Edition

What are three factors you need to consider when selecting a new processor?

some factors that you need to consider.first the purpose you need that cpu.the cpus clock,the cpus fsb,the cpus socket to be compatible with your motherboard and the cpus l2 cache

Does a CPU uses more power when running at higher speed?

CPUs in mobile phones use very little electricity. While the CPUs that run a home computer use considerably more. The more advanced your graphics and video cards the more power usage will increase.

Why are CPUs called cores?

When CPUs first started coming out, and for many years after, they could only execute one set of instructions at a time. After awhile, interfaces were built to support having multiple CPUs running at the same time to increase the horsepower of a machine. These CPUs had distinct packaging still, but now the computer as a whole could execute a set of instructions per CPU. CPU manufacturers started placing multiple CPUs in one distinct package and also included the interface for the CPUs to talk within this package. So even though you had one product, it could execute multiple instructions at one time. Core is a marketing term to let people know the number of independent sets of instructions that a single CPU package can execute.

Is there a dual processor motherboard for an AMD Phenom?

No. If you want dual CPUs from AMD, you need to get opteron CPUs.