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If it is a cube shape, only a ruler is needed. Measure height, width and length, then multiply the three.

You could practically find the volume by submerging it into a full container of liquid and measure how much of it overflows/is displaced.

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14y ago
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14y ago

you wouldn't really use an instrument, just the formula to get the answer...

say a square was 6x6x6 you would just times length-height-width to get you answer

therefore the square would have the volume of:

216cm cubed

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7y ago

A graduated cylinder or other container filled with liquid or sand can be used to measure volume,

by measuring the change or displacement in its volume.

When submerged in a filled container, an object will displace its volume. When placed in a filled container, it will only displace its weight in liquid, and may float.

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15y ago

A scale

A metre stick

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10y ago

A measuring cup is best.

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Q: What is the tool used to find the volume of a solid?
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What tool is used to find volume of an irregular solid?

10-mL graduated cylinder

What tool is used to find volume of a rectangular solid?

A ruler to find the measures of the edges and a brain to multiply them together.

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What method of measurement is used to find the volume of an irregular solid?

The water displacement method is typically used to find the volume of an irregular solid. The object is submerged in a known amount of water, and the increase in water volume is measured. This increase in volume is equal to the volume of the irregular solid.

What tool is used to find volume using liquid displacement?

Eureka Can

What is the method used to find out the volume of an irregular solid?

One method to find the volume of an irregular solid is by using the water displacement method. This involves submerging the solid in a known volume of water and measuring the increase in water level, which corresponds to the volume of the solid.

What example of finding volume?

There kind of solid object will determine the formula that will be used to find its volume.

What 3 dimensions are used to find volume a solid?

width, length, and height

What is the name of the process used to find the volume of an irregular solid?

Water Displacement technique

What is the name of the method used to find the volume of an irregular shaped solid?

Liquid displacement

What tool you use to measure volume of solids?

A common tool used to measure the volume of solids is a graduated cylinder or a beaker for regularly shaped solids. For irregularly shaped solids, displacement method using a measuring cylinder and water can be used to find the volume.

What is the tool used for volume?

Gratitude Cylinder