It depends on the temperature and pressure but it is very slightly under 1 gram per cubic centimetre.
Weight of Water is 63 PCF Actually, the unit weight of water is 62.4 pcf.
Molecular weight (unit) of salt dissolved in liter (unit) volume of water.
The weight of 2 pounds of water is just that--2 pounds. Pound is a unit of weight (or, more formally, force).
The unit weight of soil with a specific gravity of 2.65 is approximately 26.1 kN/m³. This can be calculated by multiplying the specific gravity by the unit weight of water (9.81 kN/m³).
Specific weight is the weight of the material per unit volume. Water has the specific weight of 62.43 pounds per cubic foot or 9.807 Newtons per cubic meter.
Submerged unit weight refers to the weight of soil or material per unit volume when submerged in water, taking into account buoyancy effects. Submerged weight refers to the total weight of an object or material when it is submerged in a fluid, including both its actual weight and any buoyant force acting on it.
The saturated unit weight of soil is the weight of soil per unit volume when all pore spaces are filled with water. It is commonly used in geotechnical engineering to characterize the density of saturated soil samples during testing.
The unit weight of water at 4 degrees Celsius is approximately 999.7 kg/m3. To convert this to N/m3, multiply by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) to get the unit weight in N/m3, which is about 9810 N/m3.
SI unit of weight is Kg
A "gram" is a unit of weight, not a unit of volume or a container. You probably want to know how many grams of water are equivalent to one cup of water, in which case the answer is (where 1 cup contains 8 ounces): 8 * 28.25 (grams/ounce) = 226.8 grams --- Additional notes: A "cup" can be considered either a unit of volume or a unit of weight, where in the case of water, there is a direct fixed relationship between the volume and the weight. There is also a direct fixed relationship between a gram of weight and a milliliter volume of water, where 1 ml of water (at 4 degrees C) weighs 1 gram.
Weight is a force the unit of weight is Newton. F = ma Kilograms is the unit of Mass.