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Q: What is the volume of fluid in the human body?
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How much blood is in the average human body in fluid ounces?

An average adult has a blood volume of 170 fluid ounces.Females tend to have less blood volume than males.

Weight or volume of a fluid displaced bya floating body?

The weight of the fluid displaced by a floating body is equal to the weight of the floating body itself. This is known as Archimedes' principle. The volume of fluid displaced by a floating body is equal to the volume of the part of the body that is submerged in the fluid.

Which body fluid has the highest volume in your body?

Blood. You have roughly 10 pints of blood in your body. No other fluid in your body reaches that volume so the blood wins.

What is the difference between compressible and in-compressible fluids giving examples of the fluids found in human body?

compressible fluid changes its volume when external pressure is applied and in-compressible fluid does not change its volume due to external pressure

Does plasma exist the most in the human body?

Plasma is a straw-colored fluid that makes up approximately 55% of the total whole blood volume. Blood is also one of the most abundant fluids in the human body.

Conclusion of Archimedes principle in lab?

The conclusion of the Archimedes principle is simply that the upward buoyant force that is experienced by a body immersed in a fluid, is equivalent to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces. This allows the volume of an object to be measured by measuring the volume of liquid it displaces after submerging. For any immersed object, the volume of the submerged portions equals the volume of fluid it displaces.

Human body volume?

sarthak mishra

What body fluid varies the most?

Urine is a body fluid that can vary the most as its composition is influenced by factors such as hydration levels, diet, and overall health. Variations in urine color, odor, and volume can indicate changes or issues in the body.

What does the blatter do for you?

The blatter rids your body of urine to maintain your bodys fluid volume

What is the electrolyte that plays the largest role in maintaining body fluid volume is?


What is the name of the fluid that fills the spaces between tissue cells in the human body?

Interstitial fluid

What organ stores fluid waste in the human body?
