A cubic mile is a unit of volume, not of mass. Mass is measured in kilograms, pounds, or tonnes.
The moon does not have a fixed volume in cubic feet because it is irregularly shaped and constantly changing due to factors like meteorite impacts. However, the moon's mean radius is about 1,079.6 miles, which is equivalent to approximately 5.25 x 10^10 cubic miles.
The total volume of sea water on Earth is estimated to be around 321 million cubic miles.
Distance cannot be translated into volume. Miles is a distance and cubic meters is volume.
The volume of Earth is approximately 259.9 trillion cubic miles.
You can't. Cubic miles is a measure of volume and square miles is a measure of area.
The volume of the moon is approximately 2.195 x 10^10 cubic kilometers.
Cubic miles measures volume. Square miles measures area. Therefore, you can not compare the two.
A sphere with a radius of 4.4 miles has a volume of 356.82 cubic miles.
The Earth's total amount of water has a volume of about 344 million cubic miles. 97% or 333.68 million cubic miles of this is seawater. Of the 3% or 10.32 million cubic miles left as fresh water, some 2% or 6.88 million cubic miles of the total is frozen.
Miles measure length, square miles measure area, and cubic miles measure volume.
Volume of Lake Superior is 2,900 cubic miles which converted to cubic feet (2900 x 5280^3) = 426,874,060,800,000 cubic feet