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unshielded twisted pair

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Q: What network transmission media is data-grade UTP and can support a maximum of 100 megabits per second?
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What is the maximum transmission speed achieved by coaxial network cables in ring network topologies?

10 mbps

How fast is Sprint web service?

Sprint web service loads at 3G network offers between 600 kilobits and 1.4 megabits per second. Sprint's 4G network can offer between 3 and 6 megabits per seconds with a burst of 10 megabits per second.

What is the most common measurement of speed over a network?

Network speed is usually quoted in Megabits per second (Mb/s).

What is the approximate theoretic maximum order of bytes that can be downloaded in one minute on a 10Base T network?

Well, 10 refers to the maximum theoretical transmission speed, which is 10 Mbit/s.

What is mtu value?

The Maximum Transferable Unit (MTU) is the amount of data that can be sent in each packet on a TCP/IP based network. If your network is the postal service (routing and delivering messages to and from other people), the MTU is how big the envelopes are.

What are the advantages of Metropolitan area Network?

It connects all of your computers and servers together on the network, and is typically very fast, like 100 Megabits per second (Mbps) or 1000 Mbps.

What is the maximum number of network in class a?

Each network supports a maximum of 16,777,214 (2 24 -2) hosts per network

When did Mega Man Network Transmission happen?

Mega Man Network Transmission happened in 2003.

What is frasible distance fd?

Frasible Distance (FD) is the maximum distance a data frame can travel across a network without encountering errors or signal degradation. It is determined by the network's capabilities, such as the transmission medium and the signaling rate. FD helps ensure reliable data transmission over a network by setting a limit on how far a signal can travel before needing regeneration.

What does a network use as a transmission medium?

we can use a cell phone for a transmission in network.. dinesh kumar dhaneru

What is the maximum number of hosts for a Class A Network?

The maximum number of hosts per class B network is 65536.

When was Mega Man Network Transmission created?

Mega Man Network Transmission was created on 2003-03-06.