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Q: What spreadsheet feature allows the user to see how changing one or more numbers changes the outcome of calculations?
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What is the name given to a spreadsheet feature to prevent accidental changes?


What happens when you open the Tools menu click Track Changes and then select Highlight Changes in a spreadsheet?

The Track Changes feature is turned on.

What is the most important property of a spreadsheet?

A recalculation feature in spreadsheets allows a user to enter new data into the spreadsheet--which can affect other sections of the spreadsheet--and see the results of new calculations. This "What If" feature of spreadsheets is a valuable tool for users

What is a feature used to add identifying information to a spreadsheet?

the feature used to add identifying information to a spreadsheet is a Header-Footer.

What-if analysis is a key feature of spreadsheet software true or false?

That is true.

Which spreadsheet feature would you use to identify sections of a pie chart?

a column.

Used to find which cells are refrenced in a formula?

The "Trace Precedents" feature in Excel is used to identify the cells that are referenced in a specific formula. By using this feature, you can visualize the relationship between different cells in a spreadsheet and understand the source of data being used in a particular calculation. This helps in tracking the flow of information and ensuring the accuracy of your calculations.

Fundamentals of MS Excel?

MS Excel is a spreadsheet package developed by MicroSoft which helps in making various calculations. It is divided into rows and colums just the maths copy of kids. It helps in entering numerical data and make various analysis. Various inbuilt functions help users to make calculations. One among the best feature of Excel is the automatic recalculation. Answered by Ajit

What feature enables you to display a graphical represenation of data in a spreadsheet?

You do it using Charts and the Chart Wizard.

What fundamental feature of spreadsheet software provides the real power behind its calculation capabilities?

The real power behind a spreadsheet's ability to calculate is derived from formulas. Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel are capable of handling hundreds of formula.

Clem has entered the following formula into his spreadsheet VLOOKUP(A5A7G203TRUE). What advanced feature is he using?

lookup table

Why can't you use Gmail's call phone feature in Argentina?

you can add the phone feature by simply changing your country to USA.