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I've run into this problem when utilizing Dell LCD panels and the DVI output. If the monitor is not plugged in when the tower is turned on, the PC does not utilize the DVI and defaults to the VGA. When you plug in the DVI connector the monitor realizes it has been plugged in and the LED will go green. When it does not get a signal from the PC it will go into power save mode and the LED will turn orange. Try plugging in the cable then powering the machine all the way down before restart. If you are running dual displays, ensure the second video card is enabled. Or, worst case scenario, you may simply have a bad video card.

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Q: What would cause a monitor to show a green light then quickly turn orange when data cable is connected at start up and you have tried 2 different monitors connected to the same tower with same result?
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How does a heart-rate monitor work?

Well the monitor piece worn around your chest has sensor pads that must be in direct contact with your skin for the unit to work. Data from the monitor piece is usually sent wirelessly to the data display / recording piece.also Forerunner 301 has a built-in receiver that works with the monitor strap provided with the unit. It must be within about 3 feet to receive signals from the monitor strap. 4rm:zero_689 How Heart Rate Monitors Work The best heart rate monitors must make contact with your skin in order to work well and give highly accurate readings. These types of heart rate monitors are worn around the chest, secured with a strap. The monitor rests just below the breast, and contains a sensor that can read the electrical activity of your heart. The monitor also contains a transmitter. After the sensor reads the heart rate, the transmitter sends that information to a display, which can be worn around the wrist like a watch. The display shows your heart rate. Some heart rate monitors come with headphones, which are used instead of a wrist display. The monitor instead "tells" you your readouts. This way, you don't have to slow down or stop in order to read a digital display. Heart Rate monitors: The most accurate heart rate monitors use a chest strap which fits snugly around your chest just below the breast. The transmitter detects the electrical activity of your heart just like an ECG. It relays this to a display, usually worn like a wristwatch, although some use earphones instead. It is important for the strap to maintain contact or you get wild readings. Heart rate monitors work similarly to EKGs in that they measure the electrical activity produced by the heart. Find out how the leads on a heart rate monitor pick up electrical activity with information from a cardiologist in this free video on cardiology and the heart. Watch the film for more information!

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Disadvantages of a monitor?

While monitors are essential for computer usage and provide a visual interface for users, they do have some disadvantages. Here are some common drawbacks associated with monitors: **Eye Strain and Fatigue:** Prolonged use of monitors can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort. This is often due to factors such as glare, screen brightness, and improper viewing distances. **Radiation Emission (CRT Monitors):** Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, though less common nowadays, emit low levels of radiation. Long-term exposure to this radiation may pose health risks, but modern LCD and LED monitors don't have this issue. **Limited Color Accuracy:** Some monitors may have limited color accuracy, especially if they are of lower quality or older models. This can impact tasks that require precise color representation, such as graphic design or photo editing. **Screen Reflection and Glare:** Monitors, especially those with glossy screens, can be susceptible to reflections and glare. This can be a problem in well-lit environments and may hinder visibility. **Limited Viewing Angles:** The viewing angle of a monitor can affect the quality of the displayed image. Monitors with limited viewing angles may exhibit color distortion or reduced brightness when viewed from off-center positions. **Power Consumption:** Monitors, particularly larger ones and those with higher resolutions, can consume a significant amount of power. This may contribute to higher electricity bills and environmental concerns. **Cost:** High-quality monitors, especially those designed for specific professional tasks such as video editing or gaming, can be expensive. This cost may be a limiting factor for some users. **Obsolescence:** Technology evolves rapidly, and monitors can become obsolete relatively quickly. Newer models with improved features and technologies may emerge, making existing monitors seem outdated. **Environmental Impact:** The production and disposal of monitors, especially older models with components like mercury-containing backlighting, can have negative environmental impacts if not managed properly. **Space Requirements:** Larger monitors can take up a significant amount of space, which may be a constraint in smaller work areas or home offices. **Potential for Dead Pixels:** Monitors can develop dead pixels, which are malfunctioning individual pixels that do not display the correct color. While this issue is not extremely common, it can be noticeable and bothersome. Despite these disadvantages, advancements in monitor technology continue to address many of these issues, and users can often mitigate some drawbacks through proper setup, maintenance, and consideration of individual preferences and needs.

Thinner and Wider LED Computer Monitors?

Just a few years ago, LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors began popping up, and they quickly overtook older CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors. CRT monitors grew exponentially backwards as screen size increased. Monitors larger than 20 inches were practically immovable.LCD screens became popular in spite of their, at least at first, price premium over CRT monitors. Consumers were enamored with LCD monitors' thickness and clarity. There was none of the flickering that plagued CRTs, and monitors had finally taken a huge technological leap forward after many decades.Another such technological advancement is underway right now. LED, or light emitting diode, monitors leapfrog past LCDs, but they are slightly more expensive. How exactly are they different?LED computer monitors don't look entirely different from traditional LCD monitors. They are significantly thinner and lighter, but the front is the same old widescreen display.Confusing ConsumersWhen they're marketed, most companies mislead consumers by not revealing that LED monitors are simply upgraded LCD monitors. Rather, the LED in the title simply refers to the monitor's back-light. While the back-light is very important, it's a far cry from replacing an LCD screen with an actual LED display, which is still several years away from hitting mass markets.With an LED back-light, computer monitors are thinner and lighter, but they also provide better more uniform lighting. Older LCDs often have brighter and dimmer areas on the screen. LEDs, coupled with improved LCD technology, help provide superior whites and blacks.Money SavingsLEDs also help save money in the long run. Light emitting diodes use less power than traditional back-lights, generally using 20-30% less electricity. Monitors don't use a ton of power to begin with, but LED monitors will save several dollars a year. These aren't huge savings, but it's something to keep in mind for environmentally conscious consumers.With the long road to universal HD content drawing closer to its destination, most desktop computer monitors come in 1080p resolution right off the bat. Many laptop monitors are close, but they can afford smaller resolutions because of their smaller screens.What's next after LED screens? One of the technology's possible successors is the OLED, or organic light emitting diode, display. These screens are years away from release, but they're reportedly as thin as a credit card.

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Why does your screen go off so often?

If it is just the monitor that is shutting off, then there might be a problem with the monitor with staying on. If by 'screen', you mean the actual computer goes off and produces a black screen, then your computer might be set to go into hibernation quickly, or it might have a mode where it goes into a blank screen saver quickly. Check the computer's settings to fix that problem.

List of four factors you should consider when comparing monitors how does a plasma display monitor work?

If LCD, you want to look at the reccomended resolution, the contrast ratio, and the dot pitch or pixel spacing. A higher contrast ratio means whiter whites and blacker blacks, while the higher the resolution, the higher the definition. The pixel spacing or dot pitch should be as small as possible. Next is the response speed. Anything over 10ms may cause blurring or 'ghosting' when things move quickly on the screen. Be warned, anything that says it's below 4ms is often either lying, uses a 'trick' that degrades the picture substantially, or is misreporting. These are always poor quality monitors, but respond quickly in games. If you want quality of picture, look for an S-IPS panel. This is a superior technology which provides a much sharper, more beautiful image. It is, however, expensive.

Protect Loved Ones with a Medical Alert Monitor?

A medical alert monitor can mean the difference between emergency services arriving on time or tragedy. Medical alert monitors are simple devices that can be worn by anyone who is in danger of needing medical attention at unexpected moments. Seniors who Live Alone Most of the users of medical alert monitors are senior citizens who live alone. With a monitor, the senior can move around the house comfortably on their own and never have to worry about what would happen if an accident occurred. If they should experience a fall or a medical emergency, all they have to do is press a button that they wear on their arms or around their necks. The button will summon emergency services quickly without any need for conversation or a telephone. Having a medical alert monitor can save someone from lying in pain until someone else visited the home. People with Life Threatening Conditions There are some medical conditions that allow you to live life normally most of the time, but become incapacitated unexpectedly. If someone suffers from one of these conditions, wearing a medical alert monitor could be a way for them to live independently on their own. Without a monitor, someone with a medical condition would need to be accompanied by someone else at all times. If they have a way to alert medical personnel when something is wrong, however, they can do things without having to be in the company of others all the time. The independence that a medical alert monitor provides can be priceless. The Touch of a Button can Bring Help The simple mechanism of a medical alert monitor is brilliant. A patient can wear the alert in a comfortable location, and keep it with them at all times. If there is a problem, they just press the button and help will be on its way. There are safeguards that will make sure the button can’t be pressed accidentally. Modern medical alert monitors are very small and unobtrusive, so they can be worn without impeding the motion or lifestyle of the person wearing it. A medical alert monitor can give new a level of freedom to a person who needs it.