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All ads are cooperative ads. You can tell if their offering something free or selling some type of product.

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Q: What would you look for in an ad to identify it as a cooperative ad?
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The web offers many reputable ad posting services. Look for those that are area specific to your location and are cost efficient. Also, look to local newspaper web pages as placing an ad there would also be beneficial. It would also help to place an ad on your facebook page.

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There are several places where one can post an ad for a lost cat. The best site would generally be Craigslist since people in the neighborhood probably look at it.

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How much would you get for a Saxon Penny?

The "Saxon" period ran from about 600 AD to 1066 AD. Pennies were first issued around 780 AD as a gold coin. As long as the coin is in good enough condition that you are able to identify the characters on the coin, it could be worth anything up to a few thousand Pounds. A reputable coin dealer will be able to assist with identification and give a valuation.

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The current year is 2010 AD.

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The opposite of ad infinitum would be concise.