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The best place to find this calculator is online. There are many sites that offer a deduction calculator for 2010. If you are lucky, you may even be able to find one for free.

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Q: Where can you buy the tax deduction calculator 2010?
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Traditional IRA Calculator Contributing to a traditional IRA can create a current tax deduction, plus it provides for tax-deferred growth. While long term savings in a Roth IRA may produce better after tax returns, a Traditional IRA may be an excellent alternative if you qualify for the tax deduction.

i have 1099 income $24000. i'm single and no deduction, what's my federal tax payment for 2010 ?

“i have 1099 income $24000. i'm single and no deduction, what's my federal tax payment for 2010 ”

Marginal Tax Rate Calculator?

Marginal Tax Rate Calculator Knowing your income tax rate can help you calculate your tax liability for unexpected income, retirement planning or investment income. This calculator helps you estimate your average tax rate, your current tax bracket, and your marginal tax rate for the 2010 tax year. Please note that this calculator uses the 2010 preliminary tax tables subject to change by the IRS.

Is tax deductible if buy goods from Goodwill shop?

A private person who buys an article from Goodwill is not eligible for a tax deduction. However, if a private person makes an acceptable donation to Goodwill, she is eligible for a tax deduction.

What is the difference between a Tax Deduction and a Tax Credit?

According to Yahoo Finance, "a credit reduces the amount of tax you owe; a deduction reduces the income on which taxes are assessed." See related links for more information on new tax credits for 2010.

What website has a rental property tax deduction calculator?

Good Mortgage has a calculator that helps you decide whether you should buy a house or a rent a house. They use variables like down payment, purchase price, loan interest rate, monthly rent, inflation, and rent yearly increase.

Is a rainbow vacuum a medical tax deduction?

No, a rainbow vacuum is not a medical tax deduction.

Which reduces your tax liability more, a deduction or a credit?

A tax credit reduces your tax liability more than a deduction.

What is the standard deduction for a child on my tax return?

The standard deduction for a child on your tax return is 1,100 for the 2021 tax year.

I received a refund from my state taxes in 2009. Do I need to report this refund on my federal tax for 2010?

You do if you claimed your state income tax as a deduction last year. This is line 10 on form 1040 If you took the standard deduction, you don't.

What is the change in the income tax rate between 2010 and 2011?

Between 2010 and 2011, the standard deduction for Singles increased from $5700 to $5800. For Married couples filing jointly, the standard deduction increased from $11,400 to $11,600.

Can I claim rent as a tax deduction on my income tax return?

Yes, you generally cannot claim rent as a tax deduction on your income tax return.