You can find a BMI calculator at Amazon or even on Ebay. They are great tools to measure your weight loss success and are found to be reasonable priced at around $20.
Do a net search for "BMI calculator" and you will find plenty.
You can find step by step directions on how to calculate your bmi at or for a free calculator visit
This site has a great and very explanitory chart about the bmi ranges is the perfect website to calculate an individuals BMI. It takes into account a variety of factors including height and weight to give an accurate BMI result.
Just go to Google and type in: free bmi calculator. You should find lots of websites to pick from!
these are the multiple sites that describe the BMI chart with future plan suggestions for a healthy life that is.
The formula is complex, but you can use an online bmi calculator.
A bmi index calculator measures your body mass index after measuring the fat content within your body. This is a calculator that helps when it comes to diet programs and exercise.
You can buy a bMI calculator at any health improvement store or nutrition center in your area. You can also get one at and
Calulating your body mass index is a good way to determine where you should be at. Thise site has a bmi calculator
There are many online shops that sell bmi index calculator. is one of online shop that sells bmi index calculator with any kind of models. You can visit