Here is the link to the subcategory of Unix:
One can find great answers to questions about Christmas and its significance for Christians and for most of the world by visiting Wikipedia where there is a great article on the topic. deals in Questions, Answers, and Categories. If you want to ask about a topic, just write your question. You can Browse Categories to find 'topics' and answer questions. Or, you can request a new category IF Answers already have questions asked about that topic.
Answered and Unanswered questions on Geophysics can be found at the following URL:
Almost every answer that is flagged needs to be edited, and flagged questions are from every topic. Find a category and go to its homepage, find "flagged questions" in its blue side-bar, and find some answers you want to edit.
Go to the WikiAnswers homepage, Click "Browse Categories". Then click Science.
There are no answers.
Here is the link to the subcategory called "Currency Conversions":
You can find answers to your poodle questions on
You can find answers to questions you have on Andersonville online or in text books.
Go to How To Find Answers To Legal Questions Online. You will have to click on the first thing that says Get Your Answers Here and then type it in then you will get your answer!
Is a process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem
Maths answers can be found on various websites. Google the topic which you want to find.