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computer is lot of benefits our life.

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Q: Where we use the computer in our daily work of life?
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What is the use of computer in your life?

It's almost everywhere in ppl's daily life. for work, for amusement, for searching some useful information and to use it to contact with others.

How do you use science in your daily life?

You use science all the time in your daily life. You use technology with your cellphone and computer. You use the scientific method to solve problems. You use chemistry to prepare food.

Where can you use a personal mission statement?

you can use a personal mission statement in your work or in daily life!

Importance of computer in daily life?

Computers have improved many aspects of daily life including health care, transport and education. Practical examples of this include use of computers (and the Internet) for education research and for computer-aided surgery.

How do chefs use maths in daily life?

They have to use maths to work out how much of a certain ingredient they need for a recipe.

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angles in our daily life

Is there any use of derivative in your daily life?

That depends on whether you work in engineering (applied science) or not.

What is uses of graph colouring in daily life?

Graph coloring is used in several algorithms, for example in scheduling algorithms. Whether you use that in your "daily life" or not depends on what area you work in.

How long does a person use the computer daily?

It depends. Someone HAS TO BE using a computer at this moment. So daily

What is uses of geometry in daily life?

daily life use in geomatry

What is the use of having computer?

A computer is especially useful for work and for homework. In addition to that, there are other useful applications you can download or buy that helps enhance your daily life. For example you can use certain applications to burn a DVD or copy one. You can back up many of your important files and such. And if you are bored, there are many games that you can buy and play on your computer.

How has hydroelectric power impacted on daily life?

hydropower is use to generate electricity' if once electricity is generated i mixes with power grid. hydroelectric power impacted on daily life is computer,street lights,tv