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4. Alignment.

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Q: Which of the following in not valid number format category 1 general 2 currency 3 accounting 4 alignment?
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Which of the following is an example of an accounting number format?

Currency format: ......$12.00 (dollar sign next to number) Accounting format: $......12.00 (dollar sign at left margin of cell)

What is the difference between currency style in Excel comma style and accounting style in excel?

Accounting format align all the currency symbols at the left edge of the cell while Currency format align all the currency symbols them next to the number. Accounting shows a dash for zero value, Currency shows an actual zero. The actual difference is Currency has: #,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) Accounting has: _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) ; SANJAY KISHORE

What was the final Jeopardy category on October 18 2010?

The final Category was U.S. Currency

What effect does the accountng number format have on the selected cells?

The accounting format sets the figures into currency and sets their alignment in a standard way so that the currency symbol is always positioned in the same place as it is in all values. Currency format always puts the currency symbol right beside the numbers, so they are not always in the same position in relation to the other figures.

Is there any accounting package that has currency converter?

IF you need a currency converter in accounting package then you can use tally. they will modify the software according to you.

What is the difference between the Accounting and Currency number formats?

alan tienda

Which cell format display numerical data preceded by a dollar sign?

The currency and accounting formats can do that. As there are many currencies in the world, in different countries where the dollar is not used, a computer can be set to use a different currency symbol and it can also be done directly in Excel. So setting the cell format to currency or accounting format doesn't always put a dollar sign before the numbers.

Can office and tax accounting software packages handle multiple currencies?

You have to go into the accounting software settings to select currency changes.

In what format should a cell with a money value entered into be in?

You can use Currency or Accounting. Both are acceptable. Currency would be more commonly used.

Which websites carry information on currency ETFs?

Currency ETFs stands for currency exchange-traded funds. contains a full list of currency ETFs, which are split into sub sections.

In Excel the Accounting style shows negative numbers in?

In the Accounting style, the numbers are in black when negative, compared to having the option of having them red in Currency when they are negative.

How accounting number format is different from comma style format?

Accounting is used for currency values and aligns the currency sign to the left. Comma style is used for regular numbers and will have commas to create sets of 3 digits to make it easier to read: 1,000,223,000