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One of the most popular topologies for Ethernet LANs is the star and extended star topology. It is easy to setup, it's relatively cheap, and it creates more redundancy than the Bus Topology. The Star Topology works by connecting each node to a central device. This central connection allows us to have a fully functioning network even when other devices fail. The only real threat to this topology is that if the central device goes down, so does the entire network. The Extended Star Topology is a bit more advanced. Instead of connecting all devices to a central unit, we have sub-central devices added to the mix. This allows more functionality for organization and subnetting- yet also creates more points of failure. In many cases it is impractical to use a Star Topology since networks can span an entire building. In this case, the Extended Star Topology is all but necessary to prevent degraded signals. Whereas the Star Topology is better suited for small networks, the Extended Star Topology is generally better for the larger ones.

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