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Q: Who created the first automatic adding machine?
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Who invented the first adding calculator machine?

The first adding calculator machine was invented by Blaise Pascal.

Who was given credit with Inventing the Adding Machine?

Theodore Simpson built the first automatic calculator called the "Calculating Clock" in 1623. Another machine was built by French Mathematician Blaise Pascal in 1642. However , it was William Seward Burroughs who received the first patent for adding machines in August of 1888.

What year was the first automatic washing machine invented?

In 1930s the first automatic washing machine was invented by John W.Chamberlain of Bendix Aviation Corporation^0^

When were the first automatic machine guns invented?

1883, with the first prototype demonstrated in 1884.

Why abacus considered as first recording adding machine?

The abacus is considered the first adding machine because it was the first tool that was used to add with. There were not any counting devices until the invention of the abacus in 3000 BC.

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First electronic automated teller machine is discovered by De La Rue

When was xerox copy- photocopying created?

The process of xerography was first demonstrated in 1938. The first machines using the process were released in the early 1950s and the first fully automatic machine using the process was release in 1959.

Who invented the adding machine?

In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented the pascaline, the first adding machine using gears, to help his father calculate taxes. William Seward Burroughs invented a different kind of adding machine in 1885.

What year did William Seward Burroughs invent the adding machine?

William Seward Burroughs made his first adding machine prototype in the early 1880s while working in the Boyer Machine Shop. He filed for his first patent for the calculating-machine in January of 1885, and the patent was issued in August of 1888.

Who invented the first portable fully automatic machine gun?

General Joe albertein Hayden of the serbian army General Joe albertein Hayden of the serbian army

What did thomas Watson sr invent?

He invented the first mechanical adding machine.

How did blaise pascal become famous?

he made the first adding machine in ma