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One button (AC) clears your whole equation you typed in, and the other button (CE or C) clears the equation on the screen, for example, you typed in 23*4 but meant it to he 23*5, you could press the CE button to clear out the 4 and retype in the correct equation.

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Q: Why are there two clear buttons on a calculator?
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Is there a delete button on a regular calculator?

Yes - often there are two buttons labelled "C", and "CE". "CE" (clear entry) will delete the last number, while "C" will clear the entire calculation. Details, of course, may vary among different models of calculators.

Why are there two Enter buttons on the keybord?

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Does a calculator have buttons?

Yes, You wouldn't be able to do too much with a calcultor with no buttons...

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What does CA mean on an electronic calculator?

CA on an electronic calculator usually stands for "Clear All" or "Clear All Entries." Pressing the CA button will clear all calculations or data stored in the calculator's memory. It essentially resets the calculator to its starting state.

What does the c mean on a calculator?


What are the 3 button in calculator with out using zero?

1, 2 and + are 3 buttons.

What is the abbreviation of AC key on calculator?

AC stands for all clear on a calculator

How many buttons are on a scientific calculator?

A scientific calculator typically has around 45 to 50 buttons, including numerical keys, mathematical function keys (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), memory keys, trigonometric function keys, logarithmic function keys, and more. The exact number of buttons may vary slightly depending on the specific model and brand of the calculator.

What does AC stand for on a calculator?

All Clear

What does ac mean on a calculator?

all clear